Escape from the Metaverse

You've built the most advanced metaverse in the universe, solving the precarious pants problem! But your investors are backing out for blockchain money systems and insane AI bubble projects. You're stuck and need to exit fast while grabbing all the coin you can reach on the way out. You just need to reach the exit. And you are thirteen levels in the hole...

Craptastic 2024

This game is an entry in the Craptastic 4 kb game jam, please check out the full list of entries there:

I'm also maintaining a collection of all entries I've found on


Gravity indicated by the background color

Gravity varies based on the background color in each character. Blue is down, Brown is right, Red is up and Black is left. It is also indicated with faint arrows on empty screen cells

Reach the portal to escape from this level of the metaverse

The goal is to reach the nexus and escape each level of metaverse hell, but reaching it will not be easy. Run and jump and avoid the spikes!

Use a joystick in port 2 to move around and use the button to jump or place bombs.

A quick tap is usually the best way to jump, a long hold will take you higher! The key to most challenges is precision jumping and careful steering.

Touching a spike will lose you a life and start the level over

Collecting 5 coins will grant an extra life

Light green platforms are safe to walk on, both thin and thick.

White Ice is very slippery, sometimes a little jump can help you change direction quicker.

Toggle marks will modify the level in some way, like showing the nexus or adding coins

Bombs can be picked up and placed by pressing down + button. Be sure to get away quick! Bombs will remove neighbouring brittle walls and spikes.

Ledges can be jumped to and the player can pull up

Wall Jump blocks can be jumped away from when touching in-air.

If all lives are lost the game starts over on the first level.

If you can complete the game you will be presented with the level times, please take a screenshot and share it with me on twitter! It will look like this


If you don't beat the game I would love to know how far you can get!

BUT! The extended edition includes an additional ending screen! Feel free to share it if you can reach it without cheating.

Other information

  • The 4k game jam edition is now included and is a preview of the Extended Edition.
  • The level editor is included as a separate download! You can't play the levels but you can see how this unusual way of editing works.


MetaverseExtendedEdition.prg 22 kB
Level Editor for Escape From The Metaverse - Levels can NOT be loaded by the gam 286 kB
Escape From The Metaverse 4k prg file 4 kB
Escape From The Metaverse 4k text instructions 1.9 kB

Install instructions

Play on a Commodore 64 or run in an emulator like Vice C64 (

Development log